Nifty futures were trading 26 points or 0.16 per cent up at 16,365 on Singaporean Exchange, suggesting a positive start for BSE Sensex and Nifty 50 on Friday. In the previous session, BSE Sensex fell 163 points from to end at 55,629, even after hitting a new record high of 56,118. While Nifty 50 index gave up 16,600 levels, despite surging to 16,701.85, a fresh all-time high. “After a long time on daily charts, Nifty has formed a bearish candle and intraday charts are also indicating a further weakness from current levels. In the near future, the benchmark index may consolidate between 16420 to 16700 levels,” Shrikant Chouhan, Executive Vice President, Equity Technical Research, Kotak Securities, said.
CarTrade Tech: CarTrade Tech IPO shares are all set for stock market debut on 20 August 2021. CarTrade Tech’s IPO was subscribed 20.29 times by investors. Analysts see up to 20 per cent listing gain for CarTrade Tech today.