On the same day, the alumina prices in Shandong, Shanxi and Guizhou have expanded by RMB 70 per tonne to clock at RMB 3,540 per tonne, RMB 3,560 per tonne, and RMB 3,570 per tonne. In Guangxi and Bayuquan the prices have experienced the same growth by RMB 70 per tonne to rest at RMB 3,635 per tonne and RMB 3,640 per tonne.
The A00 aluminium ingot price on a Y-o-Y calculation has surged by RMB 2,100 per tonne from RMB 18,470 per tonne recorded on May 8 2023. As of today, the domestic aluminium ingot price has grown by RMB 30 per tonne to settle at RMB 20,570 per tonne. In Foshan the price has hiked by RMB 90 per tonne to settle at RMB 20,530 per tonne.