The clinic, set up in partnership with Rio Tinto, WA’s Department of Health, WA Country Health Service and the Shire of Ashburton, will operate from 9am to 6pm at the Tom Price Community Centre from today through to 21 September. It will return in the coming weeks to enable the community to receive their second dose of the vaccine.
Vaccination bookings are available for all people who live or are currently in the region, including local and Aboriginal communities, Rio Tinto employees, contractors and their families. Walk-in appointments will also be welcomed.
Vaccine supply is sufficient to vaccinate the entire population of Tom Price over the age of 12, which is estimated to be about 3,000 people.
The WA Department of Health is also taking bookings for the Paraburdoo clinic, which is set to open to the community at Ashburton Hall on 23 September.