ArcelorMittal Poland to stop coke production at Krakow plant
Views : 84
Update time : 2023-11-24 19:42:44
After a complete analysis of all options, ArcelorMittal Poland launched a hot shutdown of coke oven cells at its Krakow plant due to low demand for coke and an unfavorable price ratio of coking coal to coke.
According to estimates, Poland's apparent consumption of coke was down by 36% year on year.
Wojciech Koszuta, CEO of ArcelorMittal Poland, said that production of the coke industry became unprofitable due to plummeting demand for coke and the fluctuations between the prices of coking coal and coke amid the current hard market conditions.
The Krakow coking plant has around 230 employees and more than 200 people related to the plant might be impacted, said trade unionists.