Australia discontinues AD & CVD reviews on China’s grinding balls
Views : 161
Update time : 2023-05-12 16:52:53
On April 28, 2023, the Australian Anti-Dumping Commission announced a termination of the review of anti-dumping (AD) countervailing duty (CVD) orders on certain grinding balls from all exporters in China, including Jiangyin Xingcheng Magotteaux Steel Balls Co, Ltd. Therefore, both AD and CVD measures of subject goods from China will be no longer applicable.
The products involved in this case are ferrous grinding balls, whether or not containing alloys, cast or forged, with diameters in the range 22mm to 170mm, classified under tariff codes 7325.91.00.26, 7326.11.00.29, and 7326.90.90.60.