EAEU launches AD sunset review on China’s cast aluminum wheels
Views : 91
Update time : 2024-01-03 21:17:41
On December 27, 2023, the Department for Internal Market Defence of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) announced the launch of the first anti-dumping (AD) sunset review on cast aluminum wheels originating in China, following the request from the Eurasian Economic Union enterprises.
The products involved are cast aluminum wheels with a diameter of 13 to 20 inches inclusive, with a maximum permissible load of not more than 1,150 kg, with a center hole diameter of not more than 131 mm, classified under HS codes 8708 70 500 1 and 8708 70 500 9.
An affirmative determination was made in March 2019 to impose a five-year AD duty on imports of cast aluminum wheels from China, with a validity until April 27, 2024.