India imposes AD duty on aluminum foil from 4 countries
Views : 202
Update time : 2021-09-23 21:53:13
On September 16, 2021, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of India decided to impose a five-year anti-dumping (AD) duty on aluminum foil of a thickness of 80 microns and below originating in or exported from China, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand.
The AD duty rate for China was set at US$398.45-976.99/ ton, that for Indonesia was at US$422.28 ton, Malaysia was assigned a rate of US$850.45/ton, and Thailand will be subject to a duty rate of US$93.53-339.93/ton.
The products involved are classified under tariff heading 7607.
This announcement came into force on the day of the official publication.
The initial AD investigation was launched on June 20, 2020 based on the application filed by Hindalco Industries Limited, Raviraj Foils Limited, and Jindal (India) Limited.