Iron-ore future remains strong - MCA
Views : 140
Update time : 2021-02-04 17:31:26
In 2019/20, Australia exported A$103-billion of iron-ore, 22% of Australia’s total goods and services exports, providing a massive contribution to wages, jobs, local communities and funding for essential services during the Covid-19 pandemic.
China is still experiencing significant growth and new frontiers in South and East Asia will be exciting new markets.
In its 'Iron Ore: When Quality Meets Opportunity', the MCA explores the history of the iron-ore industry in Australia, and examines its position as a low-cost producer of world-class iron-ore to supply Asia’s high efficiency large steel mills.
The report examines Australia’s rise as the world’s leading producer of iron-ore, renowned for its high quality resources right on Asia’s doorstep.
“Built over 60 years, the Australian iron-ore industry supplies almost 90% of the world’s high grade lump ore,” said MCA CEO Tania Constable.
“Australia has a mature, highly sophisticated, well managed and resourced iron-ore industry making it the critical supplier of choice for the world’s steel makers.”