LME aluminium price graph nosedives US$444.50/t Y-o-Y to US$2158.5/t; SHFE sheds 4.29%
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Update time : 2024-01-19 17:26:59
LME aluminium opened at US$2,201.5 per tonne on Tuesday, with high and low at US$2,217.5 per tonne and US$2,195 per tonne, respectively, before closing at US$2,214 per tonne, a drop of US$1.5 per tonne or 0.07 per cent.
On January 16, the London Metal Exchange price chart displayed an ascending aluminium price trend, with the LME aluminium cash bid price officiating at US$2,158 per tonne and the LME aluminium official settlement price closing at US$2,158.50 per tonne, with a slight rise of US$5.50 per tonne or 0.25 per cent.