Alumina is then shipped to smelters around the world, including South32’s Hillside and Mozal aluminium smelters in Southern Africa. Worsley Alumina has a significant contribution in shaping up the economy of the South West of Western Australia for over 40 years, having more than 200 employees, contractors, their families, and communities.
Erwin Schaufler, Vice President Operations of South32 Worsley Alumina Pty Ltd, said: “South32 Worsley Alumina is proud to join as Production and Transformation members of ASI. We will be working towards becoming fully certified against the Performance Standard (v3) in FY24. Once certified, Worsley Alumina will join the South32 operated Mozal aluminium smelter to demonstrate the production of ASI certified products along the aluminium value chain. We believe that taking action at each step of the value chain will maximise the contribution of aluminium to a sustainable society.”