Speira GmbH invests in advanced recycling furnaces for German plants
Views : 49
Update time : 2024-07-29 16:30:26
Speira GmbH, an aluminum producer, is investing over US$11 million to install four new recycled metals-fed furnaces at its Grevenbroich and Töging plants in Germany. Each plant will receive two state-of-the-art tiltable rotary furnaces, enhancing the company's capacity to recycle low-grade metals, including heavily contaminated scrap and dross.
Ralf Köring, head of recycling services at Speira, emphasizes the company's commitment to a circular economy by focusing on difficult-to-recycle materials. The new technology includes advanced burner systems, automatic charging machines, and H2 readiness, allowing future hydrogen use. These upgrades aim to improve metal yield, safety, and environmental standards, reducing CO2 emissions.
The new furnaces will be installed consecutively, starting in May 2025 in Grevenbroich and concluding in October 2026 in Töging. Speira operates 11 recycling sites in Germany and Norway, recycling up to 650,000 tons of aluminum annually.