Tata Steel share price touched a new 52-week high on Monday's trading session, following the announcement of a joint agreement between the company and the UK government on a proposal to invest in cutting-edge Electric Arc Furnace steelmaking at the Port Talbot site with a capital cost of £1.25 billion, inclusive of a grant from the UK Government of up to £500 million. Tata Steel stock price touched intraday high of R 134.85 and low of $131.85.
Tata Steel share price opened at $134.75 apiece on BSE.
At 10:55 IST, Tata Steel shares were trading flat at $132 per share on BSE. According to Rajesh Bhosale - Equity Technical and Derivative Analyst, Angel One, Tata Steel stock experienced a robust gap up opening, but it failed to maintain momentum as there was no continuous buying activity, resulting in a decline from the morning highs.