Brazil’s aluminum production driven up by Alumar’s resumed production
Views : 73
Update time : 2023-07-24 16:55:49
With the resumed operation of Brazil’s Alumar refinery, which had been suspended in 2015, Brazil was expected to move up to the ninth position in global aluminum production in 2023, from 12th in 2022.
The Alumar refinery, based in São Luis, Maranhão, restarted production in 2022, with an annual production of 59,600 tons in its first year of operations. The total production was expected to reach 447,000 tons by the end of 2023. With another production of Companhia Brasileira de Alumínio (CBA) and Albras, Brazil’s aluminum production is likely to amount to 1.4 million tons per year.
According to statistics from ABAL, the Brazilian Aluminum Association, China has been the global leader so far, with aluminum production of 40 million tons in 2022.