LME aluminium benchmark price moves down by US$2/t to US$2,177/t; SHFE price adds US$7/t
Views : 79
Update time : 2023-11-29 19:11:09
LME aluminium opened at US$2221.5 per tonne in the previous trading day, with its low and high at US$2209 per tonne and US$2235 per tonne, respectively, before closing at US$2211.5 per tonne, down 0.65 per cent.
On Monday, November 27, both LME aluminium cash bid price and LME aluminium official settlement price went down by US$2.5 per tonne or 0.11 per cent and US$2 per tonne or 0.09 per cent to clock at US$2,176 per tonne and US$2,177 per tonne.