Pakistan receives application of CVD sunset review on color-coated coils/sheets
Views : 105
Update time : 2023-06-19 16:51:35
The National Tariff Commission of Pakistan announced that it has received an application on April 19, 2023 from International Steels Limited to start a sunset review of anti-dumping (AD) duties on dumped imports of color-coated coils/sheets into Pakistan originating in or exported from China and South Africa. The applicant said that the expiry of existing AD duties would likely lead to the continuation or recurrence of the dumping and injury to the domestic industry.
This AD duty was started on June 13, 2018, valid for five years, with a duty rate of 5.36% to 10.88% of the C&F value on China and 14.24% of the C&F value on South Africa. The Commission has to initiate a sunset review before the measure expiry date on June 12, 2023.
Currently, the Commission is not constituted. Therefore, the decision to start a sunset review or otherwise is still pending.
The products involved are under HS codes 7210.7020, 7210.7090, 7212.4010, and 7212.4090.